Monday, January 17, 2011

Life keeps getting in the way...

When I started this blog, I thought I would have so much more time to add to it. I often need to get something off my chest, or just talk to someone about something, so this blog seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. So far, I am failing miserably. In my defense, though, it's been incredibly busy since my last post.

I decided to go back to school to get my license in Practical Nursing. Classes have been super fun so far and I'm looking forward to being able to apply to the nursing program next Spring. Why next Spring, you ask? Well, technically, after I finish this quarter and the next one, I would be eligible to apply to the program this coming Fall. 

However, since my last post, my husband and I have been successful in creating another baby. So, since the baby is due in Aug. (and my school is switching to semesters instead of quarters in the Fall) I'll need to take a few months off and raise a yougin'. That means the next opportunity to apply for the program would be in the Spring.

Am I excited about the 'bun in the oven'? Oh yes, very much so. Nervous? YOU BET. Emily will be 10 months old this month and I'm still getting used to having a baby in the house. And soon there will be two of them!! Naturally, we'd like to have a boy. But, considering all the problems we had with Emily's pregnancy, I'll be pleased either way, just as long as we're both healthy and make it through ok.

On top of school and the new baby coming, we've been looking for a house to buy. What a pain! Fortunately, we both want the same type of house, so it's just a matter of finding it. We've found a few like it, but they're so far away from where we currently live. That also means they're nowhere close to the only friend I have in this town. I'll have to start all over again. Ugh.

I'm hoping to be able to update this a bit more often than I have been. But, forgive me if life gets in the way again. It tends to happen a lot around here.

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