Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's been a while since I posted sincere apologies. Things got a little crazy around here. To begin with, I'm almost 13 weeks pregnant and newly married. Trying to get used to using the last name and double checking to make sure everything has been changed. Feels like I've been trying to keep my footing in a whirlwind!

This is my second child and I'm finding out that every pregnancy really is different. This one is kicking my butt! I don't remember being so tired when I was growing Hayley. There are times I actually feel like I'm narcoleptic. It's just nuts. I'm hoping once I get out of the first trimester I'll regain my energy and want to start moving around again. I'm sick and tired of just being a lazy ass.

I'm also tired of hearing people tell me that I should just get up and move around (even though I know they mean well). That once I do, I'll feel better. I'm sure you're right, it might help a bit...but the trouble is, I don't feel like moving. I just want to sit here and do nothing. I'm perfectly content doing just that. I've managed to go outside on the cooler days and sit for a little while and it helps a great deal. Still, if I don't do anything all day, please don't throw it in my face. I'm growing a child. It takes a lot of work (even if you can't see anything happening).

I'm also very aware that I need to eat more, and more often. So you can keep that to yourselves too. I'm sure some of you can understand, but for those of you that don' can't just eat anything if you've got a craving for something in particular. It's just not gonna happen. There is no substitute at all for whatever it is I want at that exact moment :-)

Gonna go have some black beans and rice with sour cream on top now! Later!